Friday, November 30, 2007

A Day for the Grandparents

As a student at Florence Elementary School, Stephanie Kimberling always looked forward to the Grandparents Luncheon. This was a day where the students could honor their grandparents by inviting them to lunch at school surrounded by artwork created especially for this day and a special presentation. The tradition continues and Stephanie now volunteers her time to photograph the students with their grandparents. The photos are then assembled by her mother Barb Kimberling, an employee at Florence, onto a nice frame and sent home with the students.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Malone & Co. Test Drives the New Eye-Fi SD Memory Card

No cables, no wires, no hassle! The new Eye-Fi Card is making things a little easier at Malone & Co. The new wireless SD memory card automatically uploads pictures from your digital camera to your computer and to over 15 different photo sharing websites. Take a look as Andrew tests out the new card.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Malone and Co Holiday Travel Tips

Are you traveling this holiday season? If you have children or have kids present while packing- here is a helpful reminder you may have missed in your luggage.
(what happened to common sense?)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Malone and Co Crew Goes Rural

The Malone and Co crew took it to the ranch and spent a day capturing over 11,000 images. Check out the cool video from the shoot, and a couple images of the surroundings.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Flying Pig Captured

Andrew Marinkovich captured this flying pig in action near Gretna. The meaning is still unclear, but chances are it's significant. Check back soon for further details...

Friday, November 02, 2007

On the road

Sam and I were out west for a few days of shooting in Hastings. Our journey included a stop at Murphy's Wagon Wheel (a microbrewery that doesn't actually brew their own beer). Anyhow it was still a good time. Check out some of the behind-the-scenes.