Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Old School Camera

So I'm going back to my roots and shooting some film. Yeah right, but I do love Polaroid. Too bad they're stopping film production soon. Check out Save Polaroid for some great info and links.

Andrew got me excited earlier this year with his Holgaroid. I bought one too and then while searching Ebay for film, I found a Polaroid Land Camera 350. It's Rangefinder that shoots pack film (full frame 3 1/4 x 4 1/4) that you can still find. There's even some 667 out there that's rated at ISO 3000. I can't wait to break this in on Saturday at the Wedding Event of the Year. There will be about 10 of us shooting and Andrew has made me the official media coordinator.


Chris said...

Totally ignorant of Andrew's impending nuptials, so please allow me to say in no particular order:

Congratulations, good luck, and God bless your marriage!

Andrew said...

Thanks man- It was a crazy day! Lots of fun- glad we made it through.